End-of-Trip Facilities: What Are They And Why Secure Bike Parking is Essential
A recent research report from Direct Line Cycling Insurance found that up to 1.5m cyclists are deterred from cycling to work due to the lack of secure bike storage facilities at their workplace.
Expanding cycling infrastructure is essential to encourage cycling uptake on a widespread scale, and, while the demand for secure bike parking facilities has increased in recent years, access to well-designed and secure end-of-trip facilities is often lacking, resulting in a higher risk of bike theft and acting as a deterrent to the continued rise in cycling uptake.
A valuable resource for both commercial and residential settings, end-of-trip facilities are designed to encourage users to engage in active, more sustainable forms of travel, such as cycling, jogging or walking, by providing access to secure bike parking and storage, alongside additional amenities such as showers, changing rooms, and personal lockers. The potential to integrate bike repair stations to provide maintenance opportunities for cyclists also exists.
Demand for these facilities has been contributed to by a number of factors, including a rise in the number of cyclists, the surging popularity of e-bikes, and an increased focus on promoting health and wellbeing, as well as environmental and sustainability initiatives being promoted by governmental organisations, such as Active Travel England.
End-of-trip facilities are universally valuable as they aren’t specific to one particular setting; any sector can benefit from investing in secure and well-designed facilities so long as there is a demand for them and a willingness to support and promote a healthy, active community.
Secure bike parking forms an integral aspect of cycling infrastructure. As sustainability strategies and urban planning develops, the requirement for innovative, high-quality bike parking facilities is increasing.
Bike parking is a valuable resource across a wide variety of sectors. Design and build quality has advanced considerably over the years, largely in-line with the development of UK bike parking standards. Most developments in the UK now require a provision for bike parking, with planning decision notices typically including conditions for both the type and capacity required.
Providing cyclists with a dedicated bike parking facility ensures that bikes are parked securely in an orderly manner in order to reduce obstruction and reduce theft opportunities. 77,148 thefts were reported to police across England and Wales across 2022/23; an incident every 7 minutes. Through effective space planning to offer easy access and quality designs that enable secure locking opportunities for both the wheels and frame of the bike, the presence of secure bike parking facilities, combined with appropriate use by cyclists, can actively reduce the likelihood of a theft occurring.
urbanspec advanced manufacturing of high-volume bike parking products enables short lead times and capacity format variations, with all types available from stock as standalone or pre-configured to maximise capacity when incorporated into bike hubs, bike stores and shelters. Alongside standard product configurations, urbanspec integrated design and engineering methodology make bespoke bike shelter builds possible within proven design formats.
A substantial resource and knowledge base enables urbanspec to simplify specifications, utilising CAD models, NBS specifications and datasheets available for download. Supporting CPD programmes provide clarity on the optimal approach to aspects such as security considerations and effective space planning.